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Teaching and Learning

The undergraduate program of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at TED University adopts the following basic approaches:

  • The language of education is English.
  • Active learning strategies are frequently used in the courses offered by our department to ensure the student's activeness and ownership of learning in the learning process.
  • A flexible curriculum with an up-to-date as well as the width-depth ratio has been prepared that allows students to specialize in line with their preferences. In our curriculum, the total credits of departmental courses do not exceed half of the total credits, while the ratio of elective courses is 35−40%. The curriculum offers opportunities for students to select courses from other departments or faculties, allowing students to get minor or double major degrees from other departments (science/engineering/social). Our flexible curriculum also stresses the importance of establishing interdisciplinary cooperation and skill improvement.
  • The first year of the program consists of compulsory and elective courses in Mathematics, English, Social, and Natural Sciences, which are based on a "Common Core" program that aims to improve students' general skills.
  • The second, third, and fourth years of the program consist of the departmental compulsory/elective courses for teaching the Electrical and Electronics Engineering principles; and elective courses for determining the "Secondary Field" from other departments (science/engineering/social). Some mathematics courses, computer programming courses, and departmental courses that provide in-depth learning of Electrical and Electronics Engineering are determined as compulsory courses. In the third and fourth years, a wide variety of departmental courses, such as Signal Processing, Electromagnetic Theory, Analog Electronics, Electrical Machines, Control Systems, Telecommunications, Microwave, Photonics, Optoelectronics, and Power Systems, are offered and supported by laboratory applications. Students are allowed to specialize in line with their preferences.